What is an Asbestos Survey?

Conducting an asbestos survey is the best way to effectively manage asbestos and to reduce the risk of coming in contact with asbestos-containing materials (ACMs). Once you have decided to have a survey, you can then develop a strategy to remediate in the most effective way. At Blue A LTD we are experienced in the risk management of asbestos. Leaders in the industry will tell you that every attention to detail must be made when it comes to this hazardous material.

A True Health Hazard

Asbestos today is one of the most overwhelming health hazards in domestic, commercial, industrial and public buildings today. You can have undisturbed asbestos that will not be a risk to you; but once it is disturbed and the particles are released, you must take extreme care. That is why it becomes necessary to have a survey by one of the foremost asbestos survey providers in the UK. Blue A LTD clients will benefit from high-quality removal, excellent attention to detail in their survey and monitoring, and the usage of a UKAS accredited laboratory of analysis for testing.

So What is an Asbestos Survey?

If you own or are responsible for a property in the UK that was built pre 1999 then you are required to have an asbestos management survey in place at all times.

In addition, if your property was identified with asbestos in a prior inspection, then you must regularly survey and re-inspected; normally on an annual basis.

At Blue A LTD, we are well versed in the legislative requirements of the Health and Safety Executive or HSE.

Which Type of Asbestos Survey Do I Need?

Surveys come in many sizes depending on the complexity of the project and depending on the presence of the asbestos. The design and the age of the property can play a large part in determining what kind of survey you may need. Let your Blue A LTD professional help you decide if you need a management survey, which is basically a standard survey or if you need a refurbishment and demolition survey. A refurbishment and demolition survey is needed before any renovation work can be started. Having the correct level of information, instruction and training is important to the health and safety of you and your environment.