Asbestos Testing: What To Anticipate And How To Do It

The method of determining if a given item contains asbestos fibers is known as asbestos testing. Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral fiber widely used in building materials such as insulation, flooring, roofing, and walls until it was outlawed in the 1980s due to health concerns. When asbestos fibers are breathed into the lungs, they cause devastating lung diseases such as mesothelioma and asbestosis.

Because asbestos fibers are minute and cannot be seen with the naked eye, determining if an item contains asbestos just by looking at it is impossible. As a result, asbestos testing is required to determine whether or not asbestos fibers are present in a substance.

danger asbestos - Asbestos Testing: What To Anticipate And How To Do It

Asbestos tests are classified into two types: bulk samples and air testing. Bulk sampling is physically obtaining a piece of the substance and delivering it to a laboratory for analysis. On the other hand, air testing entails utilizing specialized equipment to measure the concentration of asbestos fibers in the air.

The most frequent type of asbestos testing is bulk sampling, which includes obtaining a small sample of the material and submitting it to a laboratory for analysis. The model will be examined under a microscope in the laboratory to determine whether it contains asbestos fibers. If asbestos is detected in the sample, the laboratory will also assess the kind of asbestos and the concentration of asbestos fibers in the model.

How To Do Asbestos Tests Via Bluea?

If you suspect your property has asbestos, you should have it tested immediately. Asbestos testing can be complicated, but with Bluea 's assistance, you can test your property for asbestos quickly and safely.

Bluea is a company established in the United Kingdom specializing in asbestos testing and removal. Bluea has developed a complete asbestos testing program that is accurate and economical based on years of experience in the industry.

Here's How To Conduct Asbestos Tests With Bluea:

• The first step in asbestos testing is to purchase a testing kit from Bluea's website. The equipment will be delivered to your home and include everything you need to obtain a sample of the item suspected of containing asbestos. The kit includes a sampling kit, comprehensive instructions, and a pre-paid envelope for sending the model to the laboratory.

• Once you have received your asbestos testing kit, you can gather a sample of the material you think contains asbestos. Before collecting the model, suitable precautions must be taken to avoid asbestos fiber exposure. Wear gloves and a mask, and make sure the space is well-ventilated.

• Use the sampling kit included with the testing kit to collect the sample. A tiny knife, a plastic bag, and a sticky label are included in the sampling package. Cut a small piece of the material with the knife and insert it in the plastic bag. Label the bag with the address and any pertinent information as directed in the kit.

• After collecting the sample, close the plastic bag and insert it in the kit's pre-paid envelope. Send the envelope to the laboratory, and Bluea will send you an email confirmation once it arrives.